Highways & Byways
Highways & Byways
Highways & Byways (detail)
Highways & Byways (detail)
Highways & Byways (detail)
Highways & Byways (installation)
Highways & Byways (installation )
Highways & Byways
Highways & Byways

Highways & Byways, 2018, 32” x 200” x 18,” hand woven stainless steel wire, acrylic paint. Installation at the Shirley Fiterman Arts Center, NY, NY

Highways & Byways
Highways & Byways

Highways & Byways, 2018, 32” x 200” x 18,” hand woven stainless steel wire, acrylic paint. Installation at the Shirley Fiterman Arts Center, NY, NY

Highways & Byways (detail)
Highways & Byways (detail)

Highways & Byways, 2018, 32” x 200” x 18,” hand woven stainless steel wire, acrylic paint. Installation at the Shirley Fiterman Arts Center, NY, NY

Highways & Byways (detail)
Highways & Byways (detail)

Highways & Byways, 2018, 32” x 200” x 18,” hand woven stainless steel wire, acrylic paint. Installation at the Shirley Fiterman Arts Center, NY, NY

Highways & Byways (detail)
Highways & Byways (detail)

Highways & Byways, 2018, 32” x 200” x 18,” hand woven stainless steel wire, acrylic paint. Installation at the Shirley Fiterman Arts Center, NY, NY

Highways & Byways (installation)
Highways & Byways (installation)

Highways & Byways, 2018, 32” x 200” x 18,” hand woven stainless steel wire, acrylic paint. Installation at the Shirley Fiterman Arts Center, NY, NY

Highways & Byways (installation )
Highways & Byways (installation )